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Location of pain alone, does not determine your diagnosis

People often diagnose themselves or their peers, on the basis of the location of the pain. Can you diagnose whether a patient has typhoid/malaria etc just on the basis of fever? There is a lot more involved in arriving at the right diagnosis.

Educating about their pain, setting the right expectations, history taking, physical evaluation, considering taken for granted factors,every patient input and objective finding is crucial.

Googling and self diagnosing often ends with the patient wasting crucial rehab time, seeking us too late, and unrealistically expecting us to work our magic in a session or a couple of days.

The same location of symptoms, in two separate people, may be due to altogether different causes,eg, one knee may respond to spine while the other to a knee exercise.

It’s important to undergo a thorough evaluation, and get to the root cause of pain.

Incorrect self diagnosing may also lead to delay in recovery, if not worsening of your condition. Pain which lasts for more than 4 days is probably not housework/workout related soreness. Stay safe, stay fit and pain free.
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Warm regards,
Dr. Abhishek Bangera and Team

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